Monday, April 18, 2011

Trees and Shrubs are HERE!

Wow, this weather is something else. I just can't seem to make heads or tails of it but my Dad once told me that when Easter is late, Spring is late too. He has been farming for years and says it always seems to work out that way. He says we have been spoiled by the early springs in the past so feel we need to have them all the time. With more snow in the forecast, it looks like this Spring is turning out to be a late one.

As the trees start to bud and put on their new growth, so do the trees and shrubs we have at the nursery. Some look like nice and plump like the Pussy Willow trees and shrubs. The Magnolias look so full and ready to burst! The Forsythias are getting a ting of yellow on them. Stop in now for a great selection of the trees, shrubs and fruit trees and plants.

This year I am getting staggered deliveries so stop back and see what is new on a weekly basis. The trees and shrubs, although the weather is cool, can be planted NOW. As the ground warms and turns on the glow the plants will start to show growth right before your eyes.

Look forward to seeing you all this growing season.


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