Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

I wish I could tell you to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine on Earth Day 2011...but the weather is telling me another story.

My ideal Earth Day would be in the 60s and sunny so I could eat lunch and dinner outside, maybe throw a ball around and play catch and top it all off by playing in the garden. Planting some pots up or a tree and picking up the inevitable garbage after the snow has gone away are some great ways to make a difference on Earth Day, or any day for that matter.

If you don't have the ability to get out and pick up trash or plant something in the ground there are a lot of other ways you can be a part of this day. It is the little things that make a difference. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? How about while you take a shower? Do you use the end of water bottles or Fido's water dish to water your plants or just pour it down the drain? Do you have high efficiency light bulbs? Are your walkways lit by lights that are solar powered? Do you have a garden (when weather permits) that you plant veggies in? Do you unplug your cell phone, laptop, etc device chargers after you're done charging them? If it is daylight...turn the lamp off! There are so many ways that you can make a difference and get involved, everyday!

Don't let the weather be a factor in Earth Day 2011, what will you do this year?

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