Friday, November 28, 2014

Small Business Saturday

It really is an amazing thing when someone has a dream, puts it into action, and commits to making it successful. That is what small business owners do everyday. They turn a dream into reality. It is so hard to compare to the "big box stores" in todays world. They have lower prices, they are open long hours, and they can offer lots and lots of products. But, if you look deeper you may fine that all these perceived deals aren't so great.  Often times these small business not only trump their competitors quality they beat their prices. They have awesome products that are not found anywhere else. To me shopping is a way to express who you are.  Whether you are buying furniture for your house, clothes to wear, or flowers for your front porch planter.  Small businesses understand this. They create products for you. They take the time to talk to their customers to find out what they are looking for. They take pride and ownership in what they are selling so they truly care about how you feel about the product.  When you shop small businesses you get original product, you support local jobs, you keep the money in your local economy, you benefit from expertise, and you make your community a destination. Small business Saturday is important but what is more important is shopping at these businesses year round. Just give it a try.  I guarantee once you experience the small business atmoshphere, you will be hooked!

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Farmers Markets

There are so many reasons to buy locally grown produce at Farmers Markets.  First, it is good for your community. There are a lot of big box stores out there and I know they can be super convenient but one day, instead, check out the local farmers market.  What is really cool about Maple Grove is they have an Indoor Farmers Market for local vendors to sell at in the winter.  Second, you know where it came from.  When you buy locally the people selling it are the people know where it came from.  They know what kind of fertilizer was used, where it was grown, how long ago it was harvested.  Those are things you should want to know.  Third, it makes you feel good.  The environment of the Famers Market is really quite refreshing.  They can be crowded but you are surrounded by people that care about the environment, care about their community, and care about their health. Fresh Produce is truly amazing.  It makes life better. Pineview Produce was created to provide you with fresh produce when you can't grow it yourself.  Grown in our greenhouses from start to finish with love.  We sell it at the Maple Grove Indoor Market November through the beginning of January. If you haven't been there check it out and if you are a regular, you know what I am talking about.

Monday, November 10, 2014

Hello Winter.

Winter has arrived with a bang.  Although it can be annoying this is when your winter decorations look the best.  Whether it is your snow covered spruce tip planters or your wreaths glistening with ice droplets, it really is beautiful.  If you haven't put together your winter decor, do not fret.  You still have plenty of time, I mean it is not even Thanksgiving yet.  The porch spruce tip planter truly is an easy way to add color to this white time of year.  Fill it full of red berries or add some glitz with glitter ornaments.  Whatever you do make it your own and try to enjoy this beautiful snow fall.