Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Spring Open House!

This Saturday is our Spring Open House! A free fun filled day for the whole family. We hope you'll join us from 10:30am to 1:00pm for an assortment of fun activities. For the kids, there will be healthy snacks, face painting, crafts and seed planting. For the adults, get information on edible container and raised bed gardening. On your purchases on Saturday only, save up to 25% on regular priced merchandise (does not include gift card purchases). Even enter to win Lynde Greenhouse gift cards. Before you leave, be sure to get a caricature drawn of the whole family! We're planning on a day filled with fun, rain or shine, so we hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Happy Earth Day!

I wish I could tell you to get outside and enjoy some fresh air and sunshine on Earth Day 2011...but the weather is telling me another story.

My ideal Earth Day would be in the 60s and sunny so I could eat lunch and dinner outside, maybe throw a ball around and play catch and top it all off by playing in the garden. Planting some pots up or a tree and picking up the inevitable garbage after the snow has gone away are some great ways to make a difference on Earth Day, or any day for that matter.

If you don't have the ability to get out and pick up trash or plant something in the ground there are a lot of other ways you can be a part of this day. It is the little things that make a difference. Do you turn off the water while you brush your teeth? How about while you take a shower? Do you use the end of water bottles or Fido's water dish to water your plants or just pour it down the drain? Do you have high efficiency light bulbs? Are your walkways lit by lights that are solar powered? Do you have a garden (when weather permits) that you plant veggies in? Do you unplug your cell phone, laptop, etc device chargers after you're done charging them? If it is daylight...turn the lamp off! There are so many ways that you can make a difference and get involved, everyday!

Don't let the weather be a factor in Earth Day 2011, what will you do this year?

You're Invited: Ladies Night!

No need to worry gentelmen, you're more than welcome to stop by on Tuesday, April 26th from 6:30-8:00pm! Take some time out of your busy schedule and enjoy an evening on us. From 7:00-8:00pm relax and visit our mini salon stations. Hair stylists and manicurists from Kalla Lily Salon & Spa as well as a massage therapist! After taking part in the salon services, browse around the store and view new selections just brought down from our greenhouse! Socialize wtih friends and familiar faces of the Greenhouse Gang while sampling wine and tasty treats. For this evening only, draw up to 25% off your regular price items at the registers. This is a concept you'll start seeing more often at special events and exclusively for Customer Rewards Members throughout the season. There will also be gift certificate drawings; $75 to Lynde Greenhouse, a 60 minute massage at Kalla Lily Salon & Spa, a shellac manicure at Kalla Lily Salon & Spa.

Feel free to bring a friend to make this evening even more fun! Hope to see you on Tuesday!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trees and Shrubs are HERE!

Wow, this weather is something else. I just can't seem to make heads or tails of it but my Dad once told me that when Easter is late, Spring is late too. He has been farming for years and says it always seems to work out that way. He says we have been spoiled by the early springs in the past so feel we need to have them all the time. With more snow in the forecast, it looks like this Spring is turning out to be a late one.

As the trees start to bud and put on their new growth, so do the trees and shrubs we have at the nursery. Some look like nice and plump like the Pussy Willow trees and shrubs. The Magnolias look so full and ready to burst! The Forsythias are getting a ting of yellow on them. Stop in now for a great selection of the trees, shrubs and fruit trees and plants.

This year I am getting staggered deliveries so stop back and see what is new on a weekly basis. The trees and shrubs, although the weather is cool, can be planted NOW. As the ground warms and turns on the glow the plants will start to show growth right before your eyes.

Look forward to seeing you all this growing season.
