Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Fall is a great time for planting.

Yes Fall is on its way and so are the prices. All Trees, Shrubs and Perennials are now 50% off. Now is a great time to plant, along with the cooling off of the night temps the plants are now getting ready for winter so all the buds for spring are set. Just plant and water accordingly and you will be pleased in the spring to see your plants take off. Do NOT do any shrub, tree pruning as of yet. Wait til after a good freeze before you do any type of major punning of shrubs. Wait til after November to trim on your trees as well. With the great weather we are having it is a fine time to plant and apply a dose of Root Stimulator to your newly and any other plants that need it. This will help put on the good roots they need to make it through the winter. So plant and watch it grow.

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