Thursday, August 6, 2009

Great time to PLANT.

Hi again.
The weather has been just great for growing. We have a fine selection of shrubs, perennial and now even larger shade and ornamental trees. August is a real good time to plant and look at what has been planted and tend to your gardens and yards. Root growth on plants form well in the late summer and into the fall so well. Watering isn't as much but still a must for newly planted plants all the way up to the end of the year. Remember just because you have a sprinkler or it has rained doesn't mean you have been giving your plants adequate water and care the first year. Just like a young child or pet needs more care at first so does a perennial, shrub, tree and annual plant. Trimming off old flower heads on perennial, annuals and shrubs helps encourage new flowers. Remember to prun plants and fertilize plants only up to the middle of the month of August. Leaving enough time for plants to harden off for winter.
Until next time keep planting.

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